International cooperation in the fields of atmospheric science, climate science, hydrology, and geophysics is promoted by the World Meteorological Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations.

It is managed by the World Meteorological Council, based in Geneva, Switzerland, which includes the member states. It meets every four years to decide on its policies and priorities. The diocese is currently headed by a board of directors headed by Heggard Adrian of Germany.

World Meteorological Day is celebrated on March 23. The reason - the World Meteorological Organization was created on March 23. This day has been celebrated all over the world since 1950. It was announced by the headquarters of the World Meteorological Organization located in Geneva.

As a forum for sharing meteorological data and research, the World Meteorological Organization was founded in 1873. It originated from the International Meteorological Organization, a non-governmental organization. Plans to reform the state and structure of the meteorological system culminated in the 1947 World Meteorological Congress, which formally established the World Meteorological Organization. The UA was adopted by the UN the following year, following the decision of the conference on March 23, 1950. It started working as an intergovernmental organization within the organization.

193 countries and territories of the World Meteorological Organization. It facilitates the free and unrestricted exchange of data, information, and research between the meteorological and hydrological systems of its member states. Environmental protection, climate change, resource management, as well as social and economic development are among its areas of collaboration with non-governmental organizations.

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